second antennal segment muscle 15 [FBbt_00058804]

Small muscle of the adult second antennal segment, located more medially than muscle 14 and very close to the body midline.

Open second antennal segment muscle 15 in VFB

VFB Term Json

    "term": {
        "core": {
            "iri": "",
            "symbol": "",
            "types": [
            "short_form": "FBbt_00058804",
            "label": "second antennal segment muscle 15"
        "description": [
            "Small muscle of the adult second antennal segment, located more medially than muscle 14 and very close to the body midline."
        "comment": []
    "query": "Get JSON for Class",
    "version": "44725ae",
    "parents": [
            "symbol": "",
            "iri": "",
            "types": [
            "short_form": "FBbt_00058802",
            "label": "second antennal segment muscle"
    "relationships": [],
    "xrefs": [],
    "anatomy_channel_image": [],
    "pub_syn": [],
    "def_pubs": [
            "core": {
                "symbol": "",
                "iri": "",
                "types": [
                "short_form": "FBrf0186027",
                "label": "Miller, 1950, Demerec, 1950: 468--481"
            "FlyBase": "",
            "PubMed": "",
            "DOI": ""